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  • License: How to topup an existing license key?
    Answer: For software that uses a licensing system, such as myTaxExpress and T2Express, you can add additional returns to an existing license key. For instance, if ...
  • Common: Control access to files and folders on Mac
    Answer: Some apps and websites can access files and folders in your Desktop, Downloads, and Documents folders. You can decide which apps and websites are allowed ...
  • T3Express: Issue T3 slip/summary with T3Express
    Answer: We have released a new functionality in the latest T3Express release: the ability to issue T3 slips/summaries and generate XML files for CRA Internet file ...
  • Common: How to customize client letters?
    Answer: We are excited to offer a new client letter customization service that is both flexible and in high demand. With this service, you can customize ...
  • FormExpress: How to file T1135 for a Trust?
    Answer: T1135 form for a Trust should be prepared and filed in our software FormExpress, which you can download and install from our website.    Note: FormExpress uses ...
  • T2Express: How to choose T2Express version?
    Answer: Each version of T2Express software is designed to handle tax returns for a specific period, typically around 3 years. If a tax year start/end date ...

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