Where do I look up T1013 submission error code?
IF T1013 submission returns error code T808, which means your EFILE ID is not authorized to submit T1013 yet. You need to consult with CRA. Here are some T1013 error code description:
The attached file must contain a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 30 forms
per batch. Please select a valid file of 30 or less forms and try again.
The transmitter’s EFILE number or password is not entered or is invalid.
Please carefully complete both identification fields and try again. If both
the transmitter’s EFILE number and password were entered correctly,
contact your EFILE Helpdesk.
Authentication failed. Access is locked - number of unsuccessful attempts
exceeds access limits. Please contact your EFILE Helpdesk.
The software used to prepare this file was not certified. Please contact
your software developer to obtain the certified version of the software.
The preparer’s EFILE number is not entered or is invalid. Please carefully
complete the field and try again. If the preparer’s EFILE number was
entered correctly, contact your EFILE Helpdesk.
The attached file contains forms completed with different preparer EFILE
numbers. All forms within the file must be completed using the same
preparer EFILE number.
The attached file contains forms completed with different software
products. You can only transmit a file containing forms prepared with the
same software. Please use the same software for each form, re-save the
file and try again.
The efiler number must be authorized to transmit T1013 (Authorizing or
Cancelling a Representative) forms. Please update your account
information by indicating that you want to transmit T1013 forms. Refer to
the “EFILE for Electronic Filers” service at http://www.efile.cra.gc.ca/l-
ccmnt-eng.html for more information
The software vendor code used to prepare the forms is either not indicated
or is invalid. Please contact your T1 EFILE software developer.
The form submitted must be a Form T1013 (Authorizing or Cancelling a
The number of forms in the batch is not equal to the number of forms
declared in the file.
The software used to prepare this file was not certified for this tax year.
Please obtain the latest version of this software product.
The unique document number is invalid. Please contact your software
The EFILE number used to prepare or transmit the Form T1013
(Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative) has not received the
necessary approval. You should contact the EFILE Helpdesk.
According to our records , the representative listed in Part 2 A.has already
been authorized by this taxpayer. A new authorization form is not required
unless the taxpayer would like to amend the original authorization.
According to our records, this authorization has already been submitted to
CRA and it is currently being processed.
A new authorization form is not required unless the taxpayer would like to
amend the original authorization.
According to our records, the unique document number associated with
transmission has already been submitted. Please contact your software
Part 1 Taxpayer Information
The taxpayer first and last name must be provided. Only alpha characters
and punctuation such as hyphens, apostrophes and periods will be
accepted. Any other character types cannot be transmitted.
Please verify the social insurance number and ensure it is correct.
If this is a new social insurance number, it may not yet be registered with
the Canada Revenue Agency. Please try re-submitting this form in two
Authorizations for T3 and T5 accounts cannot be electronically submitted.
Please check the spelling of the taxpayer’s first name.
Refer to a recent CRA correspondence for accuracy.
If you make a change to the first name, please have the taxpayer sign a
new T1013 with the correct information before re-submitting the form.
Only alpha characters and punctuation such as hyphens, apostrophes and
periods will be accepted. Any other character types cannot be transmitted.
If a name change was recently submitted, it may not yet be registered with
the Canada Revenue Agency. Please try re-submitting this form in two
Please check the spelling of the taxpayer’s last name.
Refer to a recent CRA correspondence for accuracy.
If you make a change to the last name, please have the taxpayer sign a
new T1013 with the correct information before re-submitting the form.
Only alpha characters and punctuation such as hyphens, apostrophes and
periods will be accepted. Any other character types cannot be transmitted.
If a name change was recently submitted, it may not yet be registered with
the Canada Revenue Agency. Please try re-submitting this form in two
Part 2 – A. Authorize online access
Please verify the RepID provided in Part 2 A. of the form and ensure it is
correct. For information on how to obtain a RepID, if you have not already
done so, please refer to the CRA’s Represent a Client online service at
www.cra.gc.ca/representatives .
Please verify the GroupID provided in Part 2 A. of the form and ensure it is
correct. For information on how to obtain a GroupID, if you have not
already done so, please refer to the CRA’s Represent a Client online
service at www.cra.gc.ca/representatives .
Please verify the business number provided in Part 2 A. of the form and
ensure it is correct. For information on how to register your business with
the CRA’s Represent a Client, if you have not already done so, please
refer to the CRA’s Represent a Client online service at
In Part 2 A. of the form, please provide either the RepID, the GroupID or
the business number that has been registered with the Represent a Client
online service. Only one of these fields should be populated.
Please indicate the level of permission your client consented to in Part 2 A.
of the form. A taxpayer may consent to a Level 1 or Level 2.
The RepID entered in Part 2A of the form is invalid or inactive on the
Represent a Client service. For information, please refer to the Canada
Revenue Agency’s Represent a Client online service at
The RepID entered in Part 2 A. of the form is no longer valid. If you
choose, you may register for a new RepID at
www.cra.gc.ca/representatives .
The Business Number provided in Part 2 A. of the form matches the social
insurance number provided in Part 1 of the form. Please verify the
business number provided in Part 2 A.of the form and ensure it is correct.
We cannot proceed with your request because the RepID used to prepare
the Form T1013 (Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative) has not
received the necessary approval.
The GroupID provided in Part 2 A. of the form is no longer active with
Represent a Client. If you choose, you may register for a new GroupID
with the CRA’s Represent a Client online service at
www.cra.gc.ca/representatives .
We cannot proceed with your request because the GroupID used to
prepare the Form T1013 (Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative) has
not received the necessary approval.
The business number provided is not registered with the CRA’s online
service Represent a Client. For information on how to register your
business number with Represent a Client, please refer to the CRA’s
Represent a Client online service at www.cra.gc.ca/representatives .
The Business Number you have entered is not eligible to use this service,
based on information received at the CRA from your business.
We cannot proceed with your request because the business number used
to prepare the Form T1013 (Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative)
has not received the necessary approval.
The business number provided in Part 2 A. of the form is registered, but
not active, with the Represent a Client service. Please contact your
employer for more information.
Information from Part 2 B. of the form cannot be electronically submitted.
Only representatives who have registered with the CRA’s Represent a
Client service may be authorized through an e-submitted T1013. If your
client wants to authorize you with online access, to act on their behalf with
the CRA, please complete Part 2 A. with your registered RepID, GroupID
or business number. Otherwise, complete Part 2. B, print and submit the
form by mail.
Part 3 Authorization expiry date
T821The expiry date field in Part 3 of the form is incomplete or has an invalid
format. Note that the expiry date cannot be prior to the transmission date.
The expiry date field in Part 3 of the form contains a date that is less than
the transmission date. As a result, the authorization is no longer valid.
Part 4 Cancel one or more existing authorization
The assigned value for the check boxes checked on this form is invalid.
Please contact your software developer.
If you wish to cancel a specific representative in Part 4 of the form, please
provide the first and last name of the representative. Only alpha characters
and punctuation such as hyphens, apostrophes and periods will be
accepted. Any other character types cannot be transmitted.
If you wish to cancel a specific business in Part 4 of the form, please
provide the business name. Alpha and numeric characters, and
punctuation such as ampersands, hyphens, apostrophes and periods will
be accepted. Any other character types cannot be transmitted.
Please verify the RepID provided in Part 4 of the form and ensure it is correct.
Please verify the GroupID provided in Part 4 of the form and ensure it is correct.
Please verify the business number provided in Part 4 of the form and ensure it is correct.
You have checked the cancel a specific representative checkbox in Part 4
of the form, yet have not indicated which authorization should be
cancelled. Please provide the information or uncheck the box.
Part 5 Signature and date
The assigned value for the check boxes checked on this form is invalid.
Please contact your software developer.
The first and last name of the taxpayer must be provided in the print name
field in Part 5 of the form. If the taxpayer signed the form, the print name
field in Part 5 must match the taxpayer first and last name indicated in Part
1. Only alpha characters and punctuation such as hyphens, apostrophes
and periods will be accepted. Any other character types cannot be
The signature date in Part 5 of the form cannot be greater than the
transmission date.
The form must be received by the CRA within six months of its signature
date. Please verify the signature date.
The signature date field is incomplete or has an invalid format.
The name of the legal representative who signed the form must be
provided in Part 5 of the form. Please insure that the legal representative
is on file with the CRA and authorized to transact on behalf of the taxpayer
prior to transmitting the form.
If it is the taxpayer who signed the form, confirm that the first and last
name of the taxpayer is provided in the print name field in Part 5 of the
form and that the legal signature indicator has not been selected.
Only alpha characters and punctuation such as hyphens, apostrophes and
periods will be accepted. Any other character types cannot be transmitted.
Mandatory fields
There are mandatory fields on the form that have not been filled out.
Please fill out Part 1 and Part 2 A. and/or Part 4 as well as the Print Name
field and Signature Date in Part 5 of the form.
Confirmation Message
Thank you for using the e-submission service. Your submission has been
accepted and will be processed shortly.
Here is your confirmation number: XXXXXXX. Please retain it for your record.
Please ensure to retain a copy of the signed and dated Form T1013 in your
files. Do not send us the T1013 by mail or fax unless requested to do so.
Prior to being updated as a representative, the authorization(s) must adhere to
CRA policies and procedures. Once the online authorization has been
processed, you can view your client’s name in your client list via the Represent
a Client online service.
Questions regarding the processing of the authorization should be directed to
Individual Income Tax Enquiries at 1-800-959-8281.
Technical Messages
TRIS Web service: System - hours of service
The TRIS Web service is not operational at this time.
Please see our hours of service.
The TRIS Web service is not operational at this time.
the transmission Web site may be closed for a scheduled maintenance; or
we are experiencing technical difficulties and are unable to process
your request at this time.
Please try again later or check our News for further details.
TRIS Web service
We were unable to upload your file. Please reselect your file and try again. If
the problem continues, please contact your EFILE Helpdesk.
You have submitted an incorrect form version
Your software is outdated, please use latest version T1013 software.
Due to routine systems maintenance, the TRIS Web service is currently unavailable.
Service will resume on Monday at 6 am Eastern time.
E-submission validities
Thank you for using the e-submission service to send us Form T1013, Authorizing
or Cancelling a Representative.
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requires additional time to process your
If information is missing and the form cannot be processed, the Canada Revenue
Agency (CRA) will strive to obtain the required information directly from the
We seek to action this form within five business days. After this period, please
review your client list in the Represent a Client portal to confirm that your
submission has been processed.
Do not send the signed and dated paper copy of the T1013 to the CRA. Retain the
T1013 in your records for six years.
Ensure to indicate the taxpayer’s current address on the return.
Thank you for using the electronic submission service to send us Form T1013,
“Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative.”
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is sending a letter to the taxpayer requesting
to contact us.
In the meantime, the taxpayer’s account information may be available by telephone
and in writing.
Do not send the signed and dated paper copy of the T1013 to the CRA. Retain the
T1013 in your records for six years.
Ensure to indicate the taxpayer’s current address on the return.
Thank you for using the electronic submission service to send us Form T1013,
“Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative.”
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will process Form T1013 after the income tax
and benefit return is processed.
Do not send the signed and dated paper copy of the T1013 to the CRA. Retain the
T1013 in your records for six years.
Ensure to indicate the taxpayer’s current address on the return.
Thank you for using the electronic submission service to send us Form T1013,
“Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative.”
The taxpayer must update their personal information with the Canada Revenue
Agency (CRA). We will process Form T1013 after we update the taxpayer’s
personal information.
Do not send the signed and dated paper copy of the T1013 to the CRA. Retain the
T1013 in your records for six years.
Ensure to indicate the taxpayer’s current address on the return.
Thank you for using the electronic submission service to send us Form T1013,
“Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative.”
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) needs more information before we can
process your request.
The taxpayer is deceased and the executor(s) signed Form T1013.
Send a legal document, such as a will, testament, or letter of administration,
naming the executor(s) to the taxpayer’s tax centre without delay. Go to the CRA
Web site for tax centre addresses.
We will process Form T1013 after we update the executor(s) on the taxpayer’s
Do not send the signed and dated paper copy of the T1013 to the CRA. Retain the
T1013 in your records for six years.
Ensure to indicate the taxpayer’s current address on the return.
Thank you for using the electronic submssion service to send us Form T1013,
“Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative.”
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) needs more information before we can
process your request.
Form T1013 is signed by the taxpayer’s power of attorney or legal guardian.
Send the legal document, such as the power of attorney or Court judgment,
naming the power of attorney or legal guardian to the taxpayer’s tax centre without
delay. Go to the CRA Web site for tax centre addresses.
We will process Form T1013 after we update the power of attorney or legal
guardian on the taxpayer’s account.
Do not send the signed and dated paper copy of the T1013 to the CRA. Retain the
T1013 in your records for six years.
Ensure to indicate the taxpayer’s current address on the return.
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties updating our electronically submitted authorizations. You can continue to submit your requests electronically. The authorizations will be updated as applicable when the technical difficulties have been resolved. The authorization/cancellation requests will not need to be sent a second time.