How to claim tuition transfer amount from spouse?
If you have a spouse, it's faster and better to do a coupled return, since software will fill all spouse-related amounts automatically. If you are doing a single return file, the following spouse-related amounts have to be entered manually to calculate a tuition transfer amount. Read this FAQ link for coupled return.
First, you need to add federal and provincial schedule 11 into spouse's (the student) return first. Schedule 11 will calculate a max transfer amount; and you can specify how much tution transfer amounts are, for both federal and provincial tax.
Second, Tuition transfer from spouse is part of several transfer amounts from spouse. It is done by federal and provincial schedule 2 in tax payer's return. Add both federal and provincial Schedule 2 into your own return; and enter the tuition transfer amount into field 360 (federal) and field 5909(provincial). Schedule 2 will determine the spouse transfer tax credit back to your federal and provincial tax form.