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myTaxExpress 2023

myTaxExpress 2023 EFile/NetFile are certified by the CRA. New tax filing season starts on February 19th, 2024. The software's cost is the same as prior years. However there are some changes in preparing a 2023 tax return. Here's a quick summary of the changes for the 2023 tax year:
  • T1248 Schedule D is mandatory for all tax returns now. It specifies tax payer's residency type for year 2023.
  • NetFile/EFile both allows a foreign mailing address. Mailing address on the return will not change tax payer's registration record in CRA. It is only a filing data with the return.
  • FHSA related. A new tax slip type T4FHSA is introduced into the software. You need to add a T4FHSA tax slip into return first, and a new tax form Schedule 15 will appear to do its work.
  • CWB advance payment. You will need to enter a RC210 slip into return first, box 10 of the slip will go to schedule 6 calculation. One important note, if box 10 of RC210 is received by the spouse, the person who claims basic CWB must report spouse's box 10 of RC210 instead.
  • T777S (covid-19) is canceled by CRA, use T777 only.
  • If you have trouble finding last year return, try the new feature of "Find Return".
  • New client letter customization feature, details coming later.

Download myTaxExpress 2023

Netfile software (for yourself, friends and family members)
Efile software (for tax preparer who has an EFiler ID) 
For non-resident, or section 216/217, you need to use myTaxExpress
special version. It uses docsign points as license purpose

Purchase myTaxExpress 2023

For more information on how to use myTaxExpress 2023, please visit our FAQs website:
Thank you for choosing myTaxExpress! We wish you a smooth and stress-free tax season.
Last update: 2024-06-22 15:03

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