What is a license PIN/Key?
License PIN is a unique string identifying each myTaxExpress/T2Express installation. A paired license key is generated based on the PIN.
Since the license PIN/Key pair ...
When should I choose manual license key setup?
Usually customers will retrieve license key online using their registered payment email address and verification code. However, due to Internet connection problem, online license key ...
Where to report RRSP contribution?
If you contributed RRSP in the allowed period for the tax year, you can enter it into line 2, or 3 of Schedule 7. Please ...
Where to enter student loan interest?
It should be on :
Field 31900 on page 1 of T1 General
Field 58520 on corresponding provincial or territorial non-refundable tax credit - Form 428
Where to find T2Express software download?
Here is the T2Express versions list:http://www.mytaxexpress.com/t2index.htmlYou can try the free versions before v2012.2, it will create tax return print or .cor file without license key;
T2Express ...
Where do I look up T1013 submission error code?
IF T1013 submission returns error code T808, which means your EFILE ID is not authorized to submit T1013 yet. You need to consult with CRA. ...
Where can I find T1013 confirmation code?
In the folder, where efile is created, there are two files, like the following for tax year 2012,
\\my documents\mytaxexpress-efile\2012\efile\t1013result.txt \\my documents\mytaxexpress-efile\2012\efile\t1013log.txt
t1013result.txt contains the last T1013 ...
Where do I report medical expenses?
Medical expenses page is under "express wizard" section. Medical expense cannot be reported multiple times. Please make sure each medical receipt is only reported once ...
Where is the .tax efile file?
The .tax efile is the .xml file created by myTaxExpress Efile software. Efile can have .xml file name as well as .tax file. It's usually ...
What's a coupled return?
Coupled return is for married or common-law people or widowed-in-tax-year only. Coupled return means two returns in one file. An un-coupled return file is one ...
Where is T1 tax guide?
Federal tax guide is here http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/tg/5000-g/README.html All province tax information are here http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/formspubs/t1gnrl/menu-eng.html ...
Why the computer freezes when I efile?
Most computers today have firewall software or anti-virus software installed to prevent virus or hacker attack. myTaxExpress EFILE goes through Internet. You need to find ...
Where to find industry code?
Industry code is a 6-digit code that corresponds to your main business activity and is required when completing Form T2125, Statement of Business or Professional ...
Where to enter the rent paid in the tax year?
For the Ontario tax return, rent payment is entered on page 1 of form ON-BEN (Version 2019 and prior), or page 2 of ON-BEN (Version ...
What's a SFD statement ?
SFD means Selected Financial Data. In T1 tax return, self-employment income and a few tax forms are SFD. They are:
form T2125, Business/Professional Income
form T2042, Farming ...
What's myTaxExpress refund policy?
A refund will NOT be granted AFTER a license key is issued or sent to customers. We provide free software download, so you can try ...
Where to enter tuition fee?
Tuition fee is entered into field 320 of federal Schedule 11. In provincial Schedule 11, field 5914 is copied from field 320 of federal Schedule ...
What's Document Control Number (DCN)?
Each efile return should have a UNIQUE document control number (DCN). The DCN shouldn't be similar to tax payer's S.I.N. When EFiler contacts CRA EFILE ...
Where to download free .pdf reader software?
1. Foxit reader
2. Acrobat Reader
Where to find field 122 supporting field?
Field 122 of Schedule 4 has a checkbox to confirm whether there are supporting fields.
Version 2020 and later (Click to view)
Version 2019 and prior (Click ...
What are the allowed characters for address?
Only Digit, Alphabetic, dash and other few characters are allowed in personal mailing address. Please remove comma, period etc from Address, CareOf or RR fields ...
Where is GST credit showing?
GST credit is only an estimate by all software; no matter which software you use, CRA will give you same GST credit as long as ...
why myTaxExpress software freezes?
Right now, myTaxExpress software has a freezing problem if you launched it by double clicking the .r12 file. If this is the case, please first ...
where is children's art amount?
It's field 370 on page 1 of schedule 1; It has a maximum amount of $500 for each eligible child; and disabled child can claim ...
Where can I find an EFile/Netfile log?
Both myTaxExpress Netfile and Efile software have a log file to record the returns filed successfully. The log file for Netfile software is called netfilelog.txt. ...
What's a GST account number?
In some self-employment tax forms, like T2125, business number should be 15 letters GST account number, like 123456789RC0001. If you don't have a GST account ...
What's form RC381?
Starting from tax year 2013, CRA introduces a new tax form RC381. It will replace Schedule 8 and CPP overpayment calculation part in form T2204. ...
where is direct deposit form?
Before the tax year 2013, there is a form called T1-DD for direct deposit information. However, this form is discontinued in Efile after that. In ...
Where to find field 52630 and 52670?
Field 52630 was code 5263, and field 52670 was code 5267 in the prior-2019 version of myTaxExpress software.
Field 52630 and 52670 are both part of ...
Where is the tax return file on Mac computer?
Use myTaxExpress 2012 as example, tax return file is a .r12 file. It is usually saved under folder
Where is the latest tax year tax guide?
For T1 personal return, the federal tax guide is
The provincial tax forms and guides are here
For T2 corporation tax returns,
(update pending) ...
What pension income can be split?
CRA has complete information about what pension income can be split.
For age 65 and plus, here is the link
For age 65 less, check this link
For ...
Why RC381 is used even I have no relation to Quebec?
RC381 replaces form T2204 and Schedule 8 from tax year 2013 to calculate CPP contribution for both employment and self-employment income.
RC381 is universal for all ...
where to claim Ontario sales tax credit?
Ontario sales tax credit is canceled some years ago when HST was introduced. Before that, you can claim it in ON credit form.Now there are ...
What's error code -116 when I generate tax return print?
This error can happen if any of the following conditions occur:
The PDF output folder name, set in the "Start | Preference" menu, contains non-English characters.
The ...
What's EFile error code 184?
EFile error code 184 means there are some errors in the tax return data, you need to fix it first and then efile again. There ...
where to claim political donation amount?
If it's for federal party, the donation amount is entered at field 40900, and the credit is calculated into field 41000 on page 5 of ...
What tax forms and schedules are NOT supported yet? (update)
Here are the T2 tax forms and schedules which T2Express doesn't support yet (2014/12)
Schedule 012 - Resource-Related DeductionsSchedule 017 - Credit Union DeductionsSchedule 034 – ...
Where is GIFI field 9990?
Field 9990 is inside GIFI schedule 140. GIFI schedule 140 is always in a T2Express return file.
Where to enter spouse taxable income?
On page 1 of T1, there is a field for spouse net/taxable income. Due to space limitations, only the spouse's net income is displayed. When ...
What's EFile error code 121?
Sometimes you may see error code 121 when trying to efile a return. It basically means the password for your efiler ID during the transmission ...
What's the annual CAD exchange rate?
Bank of Canada publishes the following average annual exchange rate.
Here is a list of tax year 2017 result. For more, click the link above.
Australian dollar
Brazilian ...
What is error code 20?
You may get the following error message when trying to netfile or efile a return:
Cannot connect to CRA server: Code 20
It simply means that CRA ...
Which software to use to file T1013?
There are two software to file T1013. One is latest myTaxExpress EFile software (not NetFile software), the other is a program called Form&Access.
myTaxExpress EFile software ...
Why T2200 is not found in T1 return?
T2200 is not used directly in tax return. You need to use form T777 or TL2 to report work-related expense. You can add those forms ...
Who is CPP Working Beneficiary?
You are a CPP working beneficiary if you meet all of the following conditions:
You are 60 to 70 years of age
You are employed or self-employed
You ...
What is docsign.ca?
docsign.ca is an easy and secure platform to offer an E-Signature request fulfillment service (Document E-Sign Service) and a password protected documents delivery service (Document ...
What are T2Express data files?
There are 3 type of files used in T2Express. They are all related to corporate tax returns, but for different purposes.
The most important are .txx ...
What’s new for 2022 personal tax returns
New tax filing season is fast approaching. Here's a quick overview of some of the changes you need to know when filing your 2022 personal ...
what is efile error 184, with error clue 139926?
Error code: (139926)
Error Message:The last four digits identify the line number from the statement that is in error. A financial statement is one or more ...