CRA SERs Submit e-Documents Service is supported

~ 0 min
2023-11-20 18:48

For FormExpress customers, we offer CRA Special Elections and Returns (SER) and Submit e-Documents Service through Tax Filings Report on your account


Register a account and set it up in T2Express, if you haven't done so.

You need to enable the "Track returns" feature in the T2Express software first in order to use the attach-a-doc service on the website.

Each submission will charge you 50 points ($5). Please purchase enough points in advance. 

Steps to use attach-a-doc service

Currently, you can use e-Documents services if you have filed T2 Schedule 89 in FormExpress. We are working on supporting more schedules.

1. Log in to the website and click the Tax Filings Report icon on your dashboard.

2. Locate the filing record. The record should have Filing Type = T2Sch89, and Status = success, with a CRA confirmation number. 

3. Click the down arrow at the end of the record to expand the Filing message panel.  A SERS e-docs action icon is enabled and displayed. Click the icon to access the service.

4. Click Yes to continue 

5. On the new screen, enter the required fields and attach documents. A maximum of 5 documents can be attached for each submission.

6. A success or error message will be displayed based on responses from CRA servers. 

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