How to file Alberta AT1 return using Netfile or RSI Print?

~ 0 min
2025-01-04 11:35

Starting from v2015.1, T2Express allows you to file Alberta AT1 returns using Netfile and/or RSI Print. To complete this task, follow these steps:

  1. Purchase a 2-return license for your Alberta corporation. You'll need one license for the T2 return and another for the Alberta AT1 RSI Print or Netfile.
  2. Create or open the return file.
  3. Add the Alberta AT1 form and any other relevant Alberta forms to the tax return.
  4. Once you've completed the return, you can create the AT1 Netfile for Alberta by selecting "Start | Create AT1 Netfile for Alberta" from the menu.

AT1 Netfile process requires filer information on page 3 of AT1, please complete the filer information before Netfile.

AT1 Netfile Filer Information

In older versions, you can generate a PDF file to print and mail to Alberta Finance by selecting "Start | Generate AT1 RSI Print for Alberta" from the menu.

AT1 RSI Print
AT1 Netfile


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