How to file Alberta AT1 return using Netfile or RSI Print?
Starting from v2015.1, T2Express allows you to file Alberta AT1 returns using Netfile and/or RSI Print. To complete this task, follow these steps:
- Purchase a 2-return license for your Alberta corporation. You'll need one license for the T2 return and another for the Alberta AT1 RSI Print or Netfile.
- Create or open the return file.
- Add the Alberta AT1 form and any other relevant Alberta forms to the tax return.
- Once you've completed the return, you can create the AT1 Netfile for Alberta by selecting "Start | Create AT1 Netfile for Alberta" from the menu.
AT1 Netfile process requires filer information on page 3 of AT1, please complete the filer information before Netfile.
In older versions, you can generate a PDF file to print and mail to Alberta Finance by selecting "Start | Generate AT1 RSI Print for Alberta" from the menu.