How to update myTaxExpress software to its latest version?
There are two ways to update myTaxExpress to the latest version on Windows, choose either one. Newer versions may not have the 2nd option anymore due to restricted access issues enforced in the recent OS on computers.
1) The simplest way to update software is re-download the latest software version from our website, and re-install.
No uninstallation is required. Close the running myTaxExpress software first. Download the latest software release from our website, and double-click the installer file to re-install. The existing license key and prepared return files will still work after the installation.
2) Please run the myTaxExpress update program as shown in this picture (Note: this method is only available prior to the year 2019 software)
for MacOS, the process of updating mytaxexpress is
1 remove the old version under Applications
2 download the new version from our website and move under Applications
3 New software will pick up existing license key and data return files.