Forms and Slips: where is direct deposit form? Answer: Before the tax year 2013, there is a form called T1-DD for direct deposit information. However, this form is discontinued in Efile after that. In ...
Forms and Slips: What's form RC381? Answer: Starting from tax year 2013, CRA introduces a new tax form RC381. It will replace Schedule 8 and CPP overpayment calculation part in form T2204. ...
Software: License online error codes Answer:
Following is a list of the most common error codes you may encounter when retrieving a license online in our software products.
System patch may be ...
Forms and Slips: How to optimize pension split beween spouses? Answer:
First, It must be a coupled return and both returns have form T1032 already. In form T1032, please select the option to indicate who is ...
myTaxExpress: How to amend a T1 tax return? Answer: Tax return with 10 years can be adjusted after it is filed to CRA and an assessment is received. If you just filed the return, ...
NetFile and EFile: What's Document Control Number (DCN)? Answer: Each efile return should have a UNIQUE document control number (DCN). The DCN shouldn't be similar to tax payer's S.I.N. When EFiler contacts CRA EFILE ...
Print: How to create tax return print? Answer:
myTaxExpress or T2Express don't print out tax forms directly. Instead, they generate a printable .PDF file. After the .PDF file is created, you can see ...
Forms and Slips: How to do pension split? Answer: Please add form T1032 into both your tax return and pension receiver's tax return, and it will do pension split after the following are completed:
choose ...
myTaxExpress: Where do I look up T1013 submission error code? Answer: IF T1013 submission returns error code T808, which means your EFILE ID is not authorized to submit T1013 yet. You need to consult with CRA. ...