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  • T3Express: Issue T3 slip/summary with T3Express
    Answer: We have released a new functionality in the latest T3Express release: the ability to issue T3 slips/summaries and generate XML files for CRA Internet file ...
  • Common: How to customize client letters?
    Answer: We are excited to offer a new client letter customization service that is both flexible and in high demand. With this service, you can customize ...
  • Print: How to create tax return print?
    Answer: myTaxExpress or T2Express don't print out tax forms directly. Instead, they generate a printable .PDF file. After the .PDF file is created, you can see ...
  • NetFile and EFile: How to track unfiled returns in myTaxExpress?
    Answer: Having trouble keeping tabs on filed and not-filed returns in myTaxExpress? In recent years myTaxExpress (from the year 2020 onward), you can use the menu Filing/Print > ...
  • Common: Digital Access Code (DAC) for CRA's e-Documents Service
    Answer: The Digital Access Code (DAC) is required when using the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) Special Elections and Returns (SER) and Submit e-Documents Service from your ...
  • T3Express: Validate and EFile a T3 return
    Answer: In the software, you can use the menu Form/Slip to add slips or forms (or the +Form icon for forms) if needed. Validate the Return When working ...
  • Request E-Signature for T183 or T1013 prior to 2020
    Answer: myTaxExpress/T2Express software integrated with website to request E-Signature for T183 or T1013 from year 2020. For previous years, e.g. 2017, 2018, or 2019, you ...
  • NetFile and EFile: Where can I find an EFile/Netfile log?
    Answer: Both myTaxExpress Netfile and Efile software have a log file to record the returns filed successfully. The log file for Netfile software is called netfilelog.txt. ...

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